Hey brother, as long as you are using gear, on cycle or on HRT, you are not going to be able to maintain a strong natural production or a strong signal of LH/FSH. You can continue using HCG through your cycles and HRT if it makes you feel better, but if you are administering exogenous steroids year round, your not going to recover. This is something that many 45 year olds have to come to terms with, steroid users or otherwise, just due to age and the decline of natural hormone production. If you were 10 years younger, or more, I could see how this could be a bigger concern, but at 45, you may be able to maintain a better quality of life, if you require HRT.
As for the libido issue, it sounds like something is off. With an estrogen reading of 41, you might want to lower that a little with adex. Thats where I would start and from there, see how your libido resonds. If that doesn't help, you might want to check your progesterone, but I have a feeling it will do the trick