Bulk-Cut Cycle.

  • Kbird
    Bulk-Cut Cycle.
    on: 2013-04-21 05:31:16
    I have about a half a dozen cycles under my but and am contemplating many different cycles. I lost a significant amount of weight after a hernia repair from a car accident last summer and want to put on some weight before I cut down. I live on the boardwalk in San Diego so its already beach season. I am 6'4" and am currently 205lbs from 230lbs.
    I want to run test E(500mg) Bold(500mg) and NPP(500mg) for eight weeks, then go to prop(500mg) and tren A(350mg) for 4 weeks, with Anavar(50mg) clen and T3.
    Ideas, suggestions?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Bulk-Cut Cycle.
    on: 2013-04-22 02:43:09

    well the good news is, you have muscle memory on your side. if you've been around, you know that you will bounce back fast. if you keeo you food clean, you can probebly balance it out to add a fair amount of muscle without getting fat. i would try to strike that balance, getting enough food to grow but not get fat. its a slower process than an all out "bulk, but the quality is so much better. i never really get overly fat any time of the year. well almost. i may let myself get slightly out of shape for a couple of months, but still, i stay close to striking distance, going no higher than maybe 10% BF. i would try to push this cycle a little longer, maybe 16 wks and i would run the EQ all the way through. here is exactly how i would outline it.

    1-16 EQ, clen, t3, AI of your choice

    1-8 test e, NPP

    9-16 tren

    12-16 anavar


    as long as you are fairly lean through the first 8 wks, i would begin getting a little more aggressive dropping the calories and increasing cardio for the second half. 


    this is what i would do and its relative to what works for me. if you aren't already starting from a decently lean BF, you may need to get more aggressive sooner. make sure you keep your AI at a high enough dose to keep estrogen low, to aid in your fat loss. hope this helps you bro.