Well, if one cycle leads directly into the next, its not really 2 cycles. It's just a change of compounds. As for recover, it would be the same as running a longer cycle. As for gains, I'm a believer in switching compounds to avoid homeostasis. Over time, I'll make changes to a plan. Say start with dbol for 4 wks. Then 4 wks later, stop dbol and use insulin. Maybe for the first 8 wks, I'll use Sust 270, then switch to Test E or cyp for the next 8 wks, or a blend of Test E and prop. For long acting compounds like EQ, I will continue to run it through the full 16 wks, as it can take a long time for the drug to build up and actually make changes to my physique. The key is half life of the steroid. If you use EQ for 3 wks, it will do nothing, but if you were to run drol for 3-4 wks, it would be enough time to make some decent changes. EQ, Deca, and Tren E are going to take much longer than 3 wks to ahve any effect.
For a newer user, there is no need to make things complicated. They will gain a max amount of muscle, just by running 1 form of test for a whole cycle, taken 2 times a wk, and focusing all of this extra energy on perfecting diet and training.