Nolva over Clomid with Aeromasin ??

  • djoe
    Nolva over Clomid with Aeromasin ??
    on: 2014-11-26 03:37:14
    Hey bro!! Ok so i feel like ive done a great deal of research on Nolva vs clomid. Some users claim that taking both at same time counter effects each other. some say clomid is better than nolva and vice versa. My question is do you think just doing 20mg of nolva a day for 4 weeks + 12.5 aeromasin EOD would be sufficient on a mild cycle? an example of a mild cycle would be 500mg test E 400mg, EQ and 50mg of Avavar. thanks in advance
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Nolva over Clomid with Aeromasin ??
    on: 2014-12-15 22:35:10

    I assume you are talking about PCT. Personallly, I prefer Clomid now days, but Nolvadex works too. 3-4 wks is a good length for a PCT. I might incrase the dose of nolva for the first week...a loading phase. 40mg for wk 1 of PCT. Then 20mg for 2-3 more wks. Arom at 12.5mg is good too, in addition to the SERM