i think you're on the right track. I'm a firm beliver in change to avoid homeostasis. I try to increase my test dose over time as well. I'll swtich my anabolic every 8 or so wks, if i feel that gains are slowing. I'll throw in an oral for 4 wks on, then will run igf for 4 wks, then switch to a different oral or fast acting compound for 4 more wks. i also belive in changing test esters. the cycle im currently getting ready to run will be sust/deca for 8 wks, test c/eq for 8 wks, test e/tren for eight wks. this is a rough plan. i may go longer or shorter with each section of the cycle and may add or take out an oral, depending on the response i'm getting. i never write out a cycle and stick to that plan. i listen to my body and let it dictate where i go.