How can I use EPO to improve my cardio for wrestling

  • anonymous838
    How can I use EPO to improve my cardio for wrestling
    on: 2014-12-04 06:07:30
    I've read up on it, but I cant find a clear cut epo cycle timeline. Is it a must to have doctors supervision?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: How can I use EPO to improve my cardio for wrestling
    on: 2014-12-23 05:16:32

    Hey Bro, EPO is one of the few things I have not used. If I were to use it, it would be a pain in the ass. First off, its an IV injection and second, it says right on the insert that there is no actual dosing outline. They basically give you an injection every day and then check your blood levels every day. It can be dangerous because there is a point that your blood will dramartically drop in viscosity, turning to sludge. At this point, you can have a massive stroke. The way I have looked at it is, when using EQ, I can exceed the outside normal range and go into "high" for all things related to RBC. So if I can reach that level on EQ, there is no reason I'd need to use EPO, if that were my goal. Plus, AAS would help with aggression while wrestling. Not sure if you are tested or not, but if you are not, something like this would work well for your goals


    Test E 250mg EW

    EQ 300mg EW

    adex .5mg EOD

    PCT would start about 3 wks after last shot Clomid 100mg ED for 1 wk. Then 2 more wks at 50mg ED