First Bulk Cycle Advice

  • JBFBIAanon
    First Bulk Cycle Advice
    on: 2014-12-05 07:44:20
    Hey bro I'm a 21 year old athlete at 6'2" 210 pounds . I consume 3000+ calories a day on a good meal plan. I need to gain 40+ pounds in 9 months for my sport, i have pro hormone experience so I was wondering if that experience would effect what I use in my first cycle. I was thinking Test E at 500 mg for 10-12 weeks and dianabol for 6 weeks. Should/could I add in deca at 250 mg since I have 2 prohormone cycles under my belt or should I just stick to Test E and dianobol? Also would it make a difference and would you possibly recommend stacking Test E with Superdrol for a first cycle instead of Dianabol? And could I get your opinion on a pct for whatever cycle you recommend. Thankyou!
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: First Bulk Cycle Advice
    on: 2014-12-25 02:19:52

    You'd be best off to wait on the deca until another cycle. Right now you have no idea how test will effect you. You want to be able to combat side effects and know what these sides are coming from. The dbol will start to work within a wk, so you'll know what the side effects are from dbol. Then a few wks later the test will kick in. So I'd do something like this and with the right diet, you'll gain a max amount of muscle. You should really do well. Just make sure that you're getting in the most food you can and training your ass off. Now the news you don't want to hear. You're not going to gain 40 lbs of muscle in 9 months. At over 6 ft, you're a tall guy and you should be able to pack on a lot, but 40 lbs in a little under a year is quite a reach, even if your training and diet are the absolute best they can be. But don't let that discourage you!! If you can gain 15-20 lbs, which I think would be a reasonable amount of keepable mass, after your cycle is over and the water goes away, you'll be much bigger and stronger. Imagine what 1 lb of beef looks like, wrapped up in the store. Now imagine 15 of those, distributed over your frame. Thats a lot of muscle. Just remember that as you grow in the cycle, your body is going to continue requiring more food to grow. I've worked with tall guys and most of you need a lot more food. So 3000 cals might be a little low.  

    Plus buddy, at your age, you're going to keep filling out a lot more over the next 10 years. Even without gear, you'd gain a lot by the time you're 25. So you're in a good place. I understand you want to excel at your sport, but you need to have some patience. Nothing worth having is easy to get. It's going to take time. 

    Heres how I'd lay the plan out and yes, I'd use dbol. Its less toxic and you can run it a little longer. 


    Test E or Cyp 500mg EW, split into 2 shots

    adex .5mg 2x wk to EOD as needed


    Dbol 30mg ED


    PCT starts 2 wks after last shot. 100mg Clomid ED for 1 wk. Then 2 more wks at 50mg ED


    And this should work out great. Be safe and work hard. Come on back and let me know how you are doing. If you need any pointers with training or diet, ask away. Thats what I'm here for.