I would hold off on the deca for your first cycle. You'll get awesome results without it and it will give you a direction to go in your next cycle/cycles. As for sust, it is a combo of several test esters that release at different speeds. You can use it, but Sust tends to be more painful than a single ester long acting test. Plus it is ideally injected every other day. So for these reasons, I would suggest Test Cyp ot Test E. 250mg is fine for a first cycle. I would split the dose up, injecting .5ml 2x wk, like Mon and Thurs.
As for estrogen control, you would be much better suited using an AI instead of a SERM. An AI will reduce the amount of estrogen created. A SERM will just block the estrogen from attaching to select receptors. I prefer arimidex. For your test dose, .5mg adex, 2-3x wk should be plenty. You may be able to use less. It all depends on your response.
If you want to use HCG, thats cool. But you want to use it during your cycle and be off of it by the time PCT starts. It will force your body to release test, like a primer to kick start the engine, but you need to be off it by the time you start PCT, to allow your body to produce on it's own. Thats what recovery is all about. I would suggest either nolvadex or Clomid for PCT.
So yes, a couple of red flags with your trainers cycle. Nolvadex and deca should never be combined. It can stimulate prolactin together. NOT good. Plus you dont need deca anyway. And HCG during PCT is a very outdated notion.
Here is how I would lay it out.
Test E or Cyp 250-500mg EW, split into 2 shots
Adex .5mg 2x to 3x wk as needed for estrogen and gyno control.
HCG 250iu 2x wk, stopping a few days before PCT
2 wks after last shot of test, PCT. 100mg Clomid ED for 1 wk. Then 2 more wks at 50mg ED
Best of luck bro. Work hard and eat harder