Hey Omar, welcome back, buddy. I do remember you. Yes, I have heard about this ban, which may be a good thing, IMO. A lot of these pro hormones are very toxic, in many cases much more toxic than "real" steroids. There is a reason they slipped through the cracks in the system. When these various drugs were first created back in the 1950's-60's in many cases, they were either too toxic to use safely or not effective enough to use. For these reasons, many of them were never brought to market and never popular enough to get much notice. The only people I know that use them are guys like yourself, usually younger and don't have experience with traditional gear. So this might be for the best.
As for your plan, the only difference between a dirty and clean bulk is going to be the diet. You can get really fat on "dry" gear and stay pretty lean on "wet" gear, so don't think too much about that. As for what I'd suggest to you, Anavar might be your best bet. 40mg to 50mg ED for 6-8 wks at a time would work well. If you are getting enough food, you'll make some progress. Just remember that with this or any cycle, you want to use PCT, taking either clomid or nolvadex. I'd suggest clo, starting 1 day after your last var tabs. 100mg ED for 1 wk. Then 2 more wks at 50mg. And remember, time on = time off = PCT. So for every 8 wks on, take 10 wks off, to let your organs and test production return to normal