This sounds like a doable little run. I'd have some adex on hand, in case you have any issues in your 3 wks on. It's a short run, so I wouldn't expect to gain much muscle, since time is such a limiting factor but it won't hurt to do. After your 3 wks are up, start PCT of Nolvadex at 40mg ED for 1 wk. Then 2 more wks at 20mg. Then from there, take a month off before your test/winny cycle. If you are trying to gain muscle with the M1T cycle, eat big and train hard. Then continue to do so through PCT and up to your next cycle, which I assume is a cut. At that point, I'd clean things up and tighten down for fat loss. Best of luck and if you have any questions, stop back in and ask.
For future reference, time off is normally laid out, time on plus PCT equals time off. Best bet is to get your labs done before you go on to make sure you are recovered.