You always want to use as a base. Some guys will be ok with less than others, but personally, on cycle, I need far more test than tren to not feel shut down. Plus remember, tren is super toxic compared to test. So I let the test do the work and then add the tren to increase the cycle's effect. If you are gaining lots of water, something is off. A lot of the guys I work with use test e or cyp all the way into the show and come in crisp and dry. So maybe its your diet, or if you aren't using a high quality adex, it might be not dosed properly. I use mainly Geneza or human grade AI's.
From a dietary point of view, drink more water and stay consistent with your sodium intake.
As for GH, Hyge is going to be far less expensive than the pharm grade stuff. I'd go with them and I'd suggest 2-4iu ED. Thing is, gh can/will cause added water retention, so start at 2iu and work your way up to 4iu slowly, if you plan to go that high.