You're pretty young and at this stage, you might want to see an Endo. This is going to take a long time to recover from, but if you're willing to suffer through the lows, you might have a chance. I've known guys older than you that have been on as long and have recovered. Not totally, but have recovered enough to still have kids and not need HRT. I hope that all the 19 year olds reading this, think about what you are going through and learn from your mistake.
If you want to try it on your own first, what you are planning looks like a decent idea. I don' think you'd need quite as much HCG. Maybe 1000iu EOD, instead of 1500 ED. Then reduce from there. Once you get to the end, you will probably want to continue on the clomid longer. Like an additional month at 50mg ED, and probably a low dose of arom. From there, if you come off of the clomid and don't feel you have recovered, I'd start back up on HCG at 500iu every 3 days, and continue on clomid at 50mg ED. Run that for 2 more wks. Then another 3 wks of clomid alone. If you aren't recovering at that point, I think it's time to see an Endo and let him take over.