I would take a break and let everything return to normal. I usually suggest the females do 8 wks on, 8 off. Before you go back on, it wouldn't hurt to have some lab work done. Oral steroids especially can have a negative impact on your cholesterol and liver. I would get some labs done, just to be sure that you have recovered. Plus, I find that the longer females run gear without a break, the faster they develop masculine changes. Another option that you might want to research is GH. Steroids are all variations of the male hormone testosterone. GH on the other hand, will not give you these side effects. The effect is much slower, but you can use it long term while cycling gear on and off. 2iu would be a good place to start. I would expect some fat loss and over the long run a little more muscle mass. I experience much better pumps while on GH and overall it has improved the quality of my physique, but once again, it is a long term commitment and effects won't be over night like they seem to be with var.