Really, when you can do things right, I would take a low dose of long acting test with an AI and your winny at the end. This is an inject, but the thing is, you can run it for a longer period, which is what you need in order to make any real progress with fat loss. You can try your winstrol on it's own for 4 wks, but remember, 4 wks isn't that long. You aren't going to lose a lot more fat using steriods, than you did without them. Steroids will help in many ways, but fat loss will come from diet and cardio and possibly adding in a fat burner to an already functioning program, such as clen.
If you aren't going to run a cutting plan with no test, heres what I would suggest. Anavar is the steroid. It is the only 17AA oral in the stack, so the others won't be super aggressive on the liver. Proviron will keep libido in tact if the var starts to effect your test levels, plus it will get you harder. Then clen will help with fat loss. Clomid for PCT.
Anavar 30-40mg ED
Proviron 25-50mg ED
clen, starting at 40mcg and adding 20mcg Every 2 wks.
Clomid 100mg ED
Clomid 50mg ED