Interesting question. Of course, I can't tell you exactly what he was using, but I can give you an idea of what a lot of gym rats were using at the time. They were using far less than they are now. Guys were doing cycles like 1cc test only, every 2 wks, or deca only, 1cc every 2 wks. Or a few 5mg dbol a day. Now days, its chemical warefare in the gym, compared to what the average guy was using back then. I know this because I've talked to a lot of guys from that era. Plus my father was one of them.
Flat out, its about diet. Nutrition is going to be the key to get you there, but I can give you a stack that would get you to this level of body fat. You won't look like Carl, unless your muscle bellies are shaped the same and you have the same level of muscle.
Test E 250mg EW, split into 2 weekly doses
adex .5mg EOD
anavar 40-50mg ED
PCT starts 2 wks after last shot
But of course, you could do a lot of different plans to reach this level of body fat with the right diet and training.