Some Cycle Advice Needed

  • Siglo
    Some Cycle Advice Needed
    on: 2015-01-02 15:55:48
    Hi there, I need some advice on a few things. Currently I am running the Beginners Cut Cycle. I tried this one purely out of cost and inexperience with gear. I am half way through and loving the results. I want to run a bulk cycle next, but have a few questions. When would be an acceptable time to start this? The stack consists of the following:Weeks 1-10: 500mg GP Test Enath250 ( 1ml Twice per week)Weeks 1-10: 250mg GP Deca250 - 250mg ( 0.5ml Twice per week)Weeks 1-4: 40mg GP Turan per dayWeeks 1-13: 0.5mg GP Anastrozole per day.Should I wait a full 8 weeks to start this cycle? What should I do during the bridge period or should I run a PCT once my first cycle is completed before starting the next one. Thanks for the Help.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Some Cycle Advice Needed
    on: 2015-01-13 05:07:51

    Time on plus PCT = time off, and you should get labs. I would wait that long or get labs sooner, if you want to see if you have recovered. No question bro, you should come off and do PCT after your first cycle. There is no free lunch. Any corner you cut will come at a cost. A big part of your first cycle is learning how you recover from running gear. I would suggest you do a PCT and then see how you feel over your recovery period.