insulin added to test e , deca ,dbol cycle with out gh

  • dave
    insulin added to test e , deca ,dbol cycle with out gh
    on: 2013-04-22 00:03:25
    i have never used insulin before i was considering adding it to my mass cycle of 500mg test e 400mg deca and 50mg dbol ed. i havent used gh . im not sure the right way to use gh effectivly at a dose that would work but be at the least cost or how long to cycle it / when to take shots morning , night ex. but was thinking would it be a good idea to add a small dose humilin r (4 iu) morning with meal high carb high protein . would this help with mass gains with out gh ? if so how sould i use it how much and when . also what would the time frame be for a gh cycle how much a day for how long . this would be a big help i want to use gh with insulin in mass cycle in the future , this would save a ton of researching thanks sorry so long of a question . naps rules
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: insulin added to test e , deca ,dbol cycle with out gh
    on: 2013-04-22 03:53:04

    there is no way to effectively use gh without making a decent investment. i wouldn't bother if you don't plan to use 4iu for at least several months. i would suggest running it longer if possible. and i would get the best gh you can get, like hyge, rips, or best of all, pharm grade. currently i am taking my gh first thing in the morning along with my first dose of insulin. 


    can you run insulin on its own? yes. depending on your body type, it may work well. if you have a tendency to store fat, theres a good chance you will end up getting much fatter using insulin, especially without gh, but if you are an ecto, it can be a very helpful tool, even without gh. 4 iu is a very moderate dose. i think  it sounds like a good place to start for a new user. make sure you eat your meal first, including at least 40 carbs, 10 carbs per iu and be prepared to eat again in another 2 hrs. keep fast acting carbs on hand and watch for signs of going hypo. using it first thing in the AM will help you store a good deal more carbs in the muscle and you sould feel increased pumps prettu quickly. i would start with a 4 week cycle. 


    all this being said. if you haven't cycled for at least a couple years, i would hold off on the slin. its a pretty advanced drug and if you dont reseach exactly how to use it, you can end up in trouble...even DEAD. if you are going to use it, please find as many sources of info about using it as you can and read read read.