Hey Bro, you'll know if you get it. There are early signs and it can be caught and reversed if you watch for them. You'll notice that your nipples are starting to feel more tender and sensitive. You may also notice some itchiness. I have learned to catch it early enough that I can up the adex asap and everything goes to normal, fast. But if you are on a test/dbol cycle and want to be extra cautious, you can take nolvadex at 40mg, right away, as well as increase the adex. Then once you feel normal, reduce the nolva to 20mg ED for 2-3 more days. From there, with the increased adex, you should now be good. If it happens again, repeat the progress, taking the adex even higher. Some guys are more sensitive than others and require more AI. And yes, estrogen loves fat, so the more fat you have, the more estrogen you may produce