Mass cycle "Fast or Slow esters"

  • anonymous948
    Mass cycle "Fast or Slow esters"
    on: 2015-01-11 19:45:01
    Hi thanks for reading and spending time for my answer. I have loose 15kg of mass for trouble had. Now im looking to start a cycle but i dont know if doing a fast or slow cycle my ideas is to choice one of this two options.Slow cycleTest E 500mg EW 1-20weekNandro Deca 400mg EW 1-20weekBold Unde 400mg EW 1-20week dbol 40mg ED 1-4weekhcg 2000iu (a shot every 3rd week)Fast cycleTest Cyp 4-500mg EW 1-10weekNandrolone PhenP 400mg EW 1-10weekdbol 50mg ED 1-4Week
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Mass cycle "Fast or Slow esters"
    on: 2015-01-21 17:18:04

    Personally, I would take a little from both cycles. I like what you are calling your "slow" cycle, but I would rather swap out the deca for NPP. This way, you can get good benefits from the NPP while you wait for the deca to kick in. Hormone levels will be high throughout the cycle. 


    Test E or Cyp 500mg EW

    EQ 400mg EW

    adex, dosed as needed to control estrogen

    HCG 250iu 2x wk through cycle


    NPP 100mg EOD

    1-4 (or 6)

    Dbol 50mg ED