Missed 2 weeks of injections

  • JoeBlow
    Missed 2 weeks of injections
    on: 2015-01-12 21:43:28
    Hey I'm currently working offshore and prior to leaving for this job I horridly packed all my gear and when I got to the ship I realized that I had brought everthing but my testosterone!! Im running 1.5cc test enath and 1cc ten enath twice a week with 12.5mg examistine daily and 40mg of stanzanol daily for week 7-12. I pin on Tuesdays and Thursday's but this is week 8 and I've missed both my test pins for week 7 and won't have my test till this Friday which is week 8. I'm been running my cycle as normal but I'm wondering if that is a good or bad idea and if bad how bad are the negatives and is it okay for me to start back on my test pins as normal that Friday? But that would basically 2 weeks of test pins I've missed while on Winnie and tren. What should I do? Hoping this is not a problem!!!!
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Missed 2 weeks of injections
    on: 2015-01-25 04:03:58

    Well, its not a great thing to have to deal with, but at 2 wks, you will be ok. Had it been another week or more, you might run into problems. I would just get right back on the test when you can and you probably won't even miss a beat. You might feel a little discomfort related to lower test with the higher Tren but this will be short lived and very correctable. Live and learn :)