Kidney problems and cycle

  • ksoccer45
    Kidney problems and cycle
    on: 2015-01-19 22:18:41
    Hey there, my question is i had a kidney transplant 10 years ago and have chronic kidney failure now. Because of my lack of kidney function my hormones dropped and i am on TRT now. Dr. has me take .75cc of test cyp every 7 days and clomid with it every other week. I have an athletic frame im 6ft 170lbs but have always had a hard time putting on mass. so I am boosting up the cyp to about 1cc 2x a week now to equal 400mg per week and am asking the doc if i can get some arimidex to help with breakouts. is that a good plan? My other question is if you know any other steroids or stack that are safe and not strenuous on my kidney, i also take anti rejection medications and prednisone for my kidney. so i dont know how sterois would effect those meds. as you can see im very apprehensive but would really like more size and energy, any thoughts would be much appreciated, thank you
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Kidney problems and cycle
    on: 2015-02-06 03:21:42

    You are walking a fine line, my friend. I would make sure that you are very closely watched my your kidney dr while you use. As I am sure you are well aware, kidney issues can go totally unnoticed for a long time. Test is really your safest option, IMO. If you are healthy, you should be able to gain a lot on 400mg test. I've worked with guys that have changed their entire look with less. Average guys, that have always been healthy, should focus on using the least amount of gear to get a good effect, relying on diet and training to gain the most amount of weight possible. For you, its even more important to get the most you can, out of the least amount of gear. A small mistake in over dosing a compound could cause major problems for you. Anything that makes you hold more water puts more strain on the kidneys, espeically if your blood pressure goes up. 

    Adex is probably a good idea with your test, to control estrogen and keep water lower, therefore keeping BP in check.