generic color caps vs hyge

  • pierre
    generic color caps vs hyge
    on: 2015-01-30 09:04:01
    Hello and thank you in advance for your time and answer.I'm looking to invest around 600$ on HGH (can't really afford more than that as my wife would just murder me ^^).I ve read few of your answers putting hyge above the generic color caps and threads on different forums that all say one thing, GO FOR HYGE! So if money wasn't an issue I would just follow that advice but as it is...I can get either 500 iu worth of generic colored caps (so 125 days of use at 4iu/d) or 25 × 8iu of hyge (which is 50 days of use). If you were in my shoes and that was your first hgh cycle, which of those two options would you go for? Almost 2 month of hyge or more than twice as much of smthg that could be slightly (or completely?) Underdosed? (And I'm not questioning naps reputation as I know they wouldn't sell bad products on purpose but I doubt they can test every single generic vial...)And also do you think I d gain more by doing 4iu a day or 3 in a day but therefore more spraid in time?Thanks again for your time :)
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: generic color caps vs hyge
    on: 2015-02-24 05:20:12

    Very good questions. The Hyges are over dosed. In the 10iu vials test at 13iu, so you can run a lower dose of hyge and get the same result as a true 10iu. Still, the difference between 125 days vs 1/2 that, even if the generics weren't as strong, you are better off using GH for a longer period, so I might go with the generics in this case. In fact, you might even want to decrease the dose a little, maybe 3iu and run it even longer, if fat loss is your primary goal.