Long term clomid

  • anonymous372
    Long term clomid
    on: 2015-02-08 11:44:01
    I recently ended my cycle with HcG and followed it up with clomid. My question is - I plan on being off gear for 5 months before i start again. I have plenty of GP clomid. Is it ok to stay on clomid for the 5 months i'm off. 25mg ed.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Long term clomid
    on: 2015-03-05 00:38:30

    You shouldn't need to run clomid the whole time. You should be ok to run it for about a month and then see how you do without. If you feel that you are crashing, you could always start it back up, but ideally, you want to be off of everything and producing test normally without meds. That would be the end goal