I wouldnt expect to have libido issues while on this cycle, but it's possible you will once you come off, as you recover your natural test production. My main concern would be estrogen. You can use your letro at a low dose to combat that, but you don't want to over do it and limit your gains. Personally, I would prefer adex over letro. Its more forgiving...harder to over dose than letro, but you can make the letro work. I would start with 1.25mg EOD and see how that goes. If you find that you begin having estro related issues, increase the dose to ED
Products like N2 guard are BS in my opinion. Liv52 works. Milk thistle works. NAC is great. You can get these things cheaper and they will be very effective. A new supp that is getting a ton of attention is Tudca. Its expensive, but there is a lot of promising info coming out on it. It will blow away the "cycle support" supps out there on the market