Best approach to cut fat without losing muscle mass?

  • RockHard
    Best approach to cut fat without losing muscle mass?
    on: 2015-02-18 20:46:40
    Thanks for answering my other questions. This forum and your insights/advice is so useful and awesome.I'm trying to get down to a lower weight class, from 252 to 242 pounds. What's the best approach to lose weight without losing muscle mass. I've been reading about Carb Back-Loading where you basically fast in the morning, eat low-carb throughout the day but then eat a high-carb meal after training in the early evening. What are your thoughts about this? Thanks, Bro!
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Best approach to cut fat without losing muscle mass?
    on: 2015-03-17 19:07:23

    Carb back loading is a good plan for some. Works well. Others may need to limit carbs further. Carb cycling works well. I start guys with a high day, medium day and low day. Where we start depends on how lean someone is and how many carbs they already are able to use without getting fat. Medium day may be 1/2 of what the high day is and low day may be 1/4 of the high day. 1high, 2 med, 1 low, might be a good start. Then 1 high, 1 med, 2 low. And so on. If you are eating enough protein, you can make good progress for a long time without losing muscle. Guys worry too much about muscle loss when in reality, they are no where close to sacrificing lean mass. If you are under 6% and trying to get to 4%, then sure, there is more of a risk, but for most guys, this fear gets in the way of reaching their potential.