No matter how lean you are, I'd give yourself 16 wks to diet down for your show. That may mean adding cals from clean foods and growing into the show, if you are lean enough. If you are fairly lean, under 12%, keep the food up high as long as you can, to make your best possible gains, while slowing cutting the fat. Then somewhere along the way, you'll have to lower the food to the point where you'll only be able to focus on fat loss. With a diet this long, you really dont have a ton of time left on the off season, I'd shoot for a test cycle of around 8 wks, starting NOW, so you can give yourself time for PCT and recovery, before you start again around feb. Focus on clean gains and dont let yourself get overly fat. Since time is limited now, I would focus on adding in a fast acting compound, Deca is good but takes a long time to begin working. NPP would be great. I would run it for the whole 8 wks. I may even use an oral for the first 4 wks, like dbol. This cycle can add a lot of mass, IF YOU ARE SMALL. If you alrady have a good deal of muscle, you don't want to go too crazy with the gear. This isn't bodybuilding and you will get marked down for a freaky physique that stands out from the pack. When you run your contest cycle, I'd stay away from tren. It isn't great for the MP look, IMO. You want to look natural, even if you aren't and tren creates a very drugged look. Once again, if you are already bigger, keep the doses down low. Drugs like a low dose of test and some primo for the whole cycle with anavar towards the end, or a low dose of winny. GH is also great. Improves the skin and hair. It gives a real "glow" IME, great for looking pretty on the MP stage! best of luck