Summer cycle

  • Nchs
    Summer cycle
    on: 2013-04-22 20:22:14
    I've been on mast e and test e at 600/wk each for 6 wks. Thinking about doing the following summer hardening cycle. I'm about 8% bf now. I've done many cycles.
    Weeks 1-4
    Halo 30mg/ day
    Test e 500/wk
    Weeks 5-12
    Teste 500/ wk
    Tren a 500/wk
    Weeks 10-16
    Test e 500/wk
    Var 100mg/day

    2mg arimidex/wk throughout
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Summer cycle
    on: 2013-04-23 07:43:26

    for your cycle idea, i would save the halo for the end and get rd of the other oral in favor of NPP earlier in the cycle. halo is great for when you're in peak shape. its also great for when strength is low from dieting hard. anavar is a good drug, but IMO halo is far and agove better. i would also run it at the same time as the tren. they are wicked together. how about this. overall, its going to keep you moving your hormones more steady throughout and will build into a crescendo. first your test is kicking in while the NPP has taken effect. then the tren is mg for mg stronger in my opinion and will take things further. then finally, the halo will bring the whole package together






    NPP 400mg


    tren 400mg

    14 to 16

    halo 20 mg first wk followed by 2 wks of 30mg