What a good to stack with Gp bold ?

  • anonymous107
    What a good to stack with Gp bold ?
    on: 2015-03-24 19:26:47
    I bought bold but have no clue what to stack with it.Would test e or some oral be good to take with it ?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: What a good to stack with Gp bold ?
    on: 2015-04-15 01:43:24

    The first thing you need in any cycle is test. Then from there, you can add EQ to it. Sounds like this is your first cycle? You'll also need an AI and PCT. Here is how I would lay things out, buddy.


    Test E 500mg EW

    EQ 400mg EW

    adex .5mg 3x wk to EOD


    PCT starts 3 wks after last shot

    1 wk Clomid 100mg ED

    2 wks at 50mg ED