Havoc is a drug called Epistane. Epistane is very mild. If you are interested in trying a prohormone first, this would be a safer route to go. But also be aware, that the results won't be that dramatic either. I tried Epistane back when it was getting a lot of attention several years ago. Honestly, I couldn't tell the difference on it or off of it. If you're going to dive in, why not just go to a real steroid? You could keep it mild, say 6 wks of Anavar at 40-50mg ED. This would be a mild plan and would still produce some noticable changes in your physique. I would be sure to run a PCT, using real PCT meds as well, Nolvadex or Clomid. You won't need to worry about estrogen control while on var.The cycle would look like this :
wk 1-6
Anavar 40-50mg
PCT starts the day after your last var tabs,
Clomid 50mg ED for 3 wks should do it