Sounds like you were lucky with the recovery. Great news! Just remember that the harder the cycle and the more cycles you have been on, the harder it will be to recover. So yea, just to be safe, I would work on a good PCT. Speaking of recovery, deca will shut guys down hard. The harder you get shut down, the harder it is to keep gains. So I would suggest trying EQ for your next cycle, as it is test based and easier to recover from. Plus, the gains should be good. Here is how I would put things together. If you want to add an oral kick start, I would add it in for the first 6 wks as you wait for the test and EQ to kick in.
Test E 400-500mg EW
adex .5mg 2x wk to EOD as needed
EQ 400mg EW
Dbol 30mg ED
PCT would start 2 wks after last shot. 7 days of clomid at 100mg ED. Then 14 more days of 50mg ED