I'm going to assume that this is a cutting cycle and that you are using the 1cc deca to control joint issues that may come up due to the winny. If thats not the case, and this is a bulking program, I'm not a big fan of running winny for that purpose. IMO, it can be more of a liability for joint and connective tissue problems vs actually be helpful in building new mass. It is good for strength though and if you can lift more, plus you are eating a surplus, you can grow muscle. Its just not ideal, IMO. One thing i do want to note though, that is of high importance, is that you do not want to run deca with nolvadex. The nolva can increase your risk of gyno. Using an AI is much better suited for on cycle estrogen control anyway. I would replace your nolva ASAP and save it for after the deca has cleared, using it in PCT