The key is, you need to give yourself enough time to get in shape. That would be regardless of being on gear or not. So get yourself to a level of conditioning, in which you can diet down during a 12 wk cycle. As for an AI, I would go with adex. If you wanted to add some clen, that would help you get leaner, than just cardio and diet alone. Here is how I would put things together :
Test E 500mg EW
adex .5mg EOD or more if needed to maintain a dry look
clen- Start with 40mcg, then increase by 20mcg Every 2 wks, until you reach 120mcg and stay there for the rest of the cycle
Winstrol 40-50mg ED oral
Wk 15
PCT Clomid 100mg ED
wk 16-17
clomid 50mg ED