Third cycle

  • Benny
    Third cycle
    on: 2015-04-20 15:11:46
    Hi , could you pls help me with a advice , i have made until now 2 cycle, one bulk 8 weeks cycle with test cyp 500mg every week and tren acetate 75mg every day, and the sec cycle was test prop every other day 100mg , winstrol 1ml 100mg e.o.d and clen 60mcz e.d ,i want to make a cutting cycle now and if is posible something to cut my belly fat cause i have a lot on it , could you help me pls whats gear should i use to make a good definition and lose fat on my belly, thx :)
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Third cycle
    on: 2015-04-30 01:33:36

    You can take all the drugs in the world and not get the look you are after, if you dont have the diet nailed. If you are interested, hit me up at the next level nutrition section of the web site and contact me for help. Really, it comes down to this, eating right and diet. Cals need to be low enough and in the right macros timed through the right points in the day. Then, the cycle you use will help you to look harder and more grainy as well as help you hold on to muscle while dieting. There is no gear that will get your abs to look awesome

    Here is a cycle I would suggest though that would help with your goals. Its much like the one you ran



    Test Prop 100mg EOD

    adex .5mg EOD

    clen 40 mcg and slowly working to 120 by the end of the cycle


    Tren 50mg EOD

    Mast 100mg EOD