Hey bro, not sure what you mean by oral stuff, but I am going to venture a guess you are taking about arimidex? HCG and adex are very different. HCG is used to turn natural production of test back on where as adex will blunt the conversion of steroids from test to estrogen. This control will be key for keeping you safe on cycle. Some guys have a very bad response to steroids and suffer bad side effects. Some of these things, such as gyno, will not reverse itself after the cycle. Adex is so important, that I would honestly postpone your cycle until you get it.
Oh and remember, winny is very different than tren or test. Winstrol is a DHT based steroid. It has no conversion to estrgeon or proges, unlike tren and test. So tren and test will be a whole different experience and you can't compare them to winny. My suggestion would be to spend some more time here at the QA. Do some more reading brother. Sounds like you could use more info to understand what you are doing. The more you understand, the better you will do. You can use the search function and check out specific topics and if you can't figure out the topic you are researching, feel free to ask more questions. As long as you are working toward educating yourself and I can see that you are trying, I'm always here, happy to help you learn more, buddy.
Also, start with reading about PCT, post cycle therapy. HCG alone is not a PCT. You need a SERM like clomid or nolvadex