What is the difference?

  • Mishko
    What is the difference?
    on: 2015-05-08 17:31:35
    Thank you for your help. I'm a little nervous about all this. I'm about to get my first cycle, I chose the intermediate cutting cycle. I understand that tren is not the best pick for a first cycle. That is why I plan on only incorporating in 50mg of tren ace to 50 mg test prop every other day. I will have some left over for my next cycle after I see how far that one gets me. The recommended doses listed in the predesigned stacks are 100mg and 100mg of each. I think that's to much for a first real cycle. Please let me know if I'm wrong here. Also, what is the difference between Anastrozole and clomid? I'm still confused even after reading a bunch of these Q&As. Should I do one or the other? Or is the Anastrozole alone enough to run for pct? I also ordered some hcg to run during the cycle. I get it now, Hcg should only be run post cycle if problems occur but, its better to never let a problem happen by adding in to the cycle. Thank you for your time. I hope my question helps other Q&A readers as well.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: What is the difference?
    on: 2015-05-20 00:43:38

    Hey bro, good luck with the cycle. There are a lot of reasons I dont suggest prop for a first cycle and tren for a first cycle, but it can be done. Keeping the dose lower would probably be a good idea. I just dieted down, and though I was running more test and using other compounds, I managed to do just fine using 50mg tren EOD. Its not a high dose, but it can give a strong effect. 

    Lets clear up the difference between adex and clomid. Adex is an AI, for use on cycle. It reduces the conversion of test to estrogen, which is important on cycle, when your test levels are much higher than normal. Clomid is a SERM, and used to block estrogen from attaching to estrogen receptors. A SERM does not stop the conversion from test to estrogen. It only stops it from attaching to some of your estrogen receptors. The problem in using a SERM for estrogen mgmt on cycle, is that it would not lower your estrogen. So E levels can be through the roof, which can still have an impact in many ways. You're much better off during the cycle in blunting the conversion to begin with. Then post cycle, use your SERM to speed recovery