I would run the same dose through the cycle. I dont understand how you are running 200mg 2x wk if your gear is GP Test E 250mg/ml. I'm thinking you're telling me that you already have some test dosed at 200mg/ml and are also going to get more test, dosed at 250mg. Anyway, whatever the case, increasing the dose for the last 2 wks wont really do anything. I would suggest running the same dose through the cycle. So if you have some 200mg/ml and some 250mg/ml, I would take 1 shot of each every wk, bringing your weekly dose to 450mg EW. Hope this all makes sense.
Adex is used to control estrogen on cycle. Yes, you will want it. For your goals, I would start at .5mg EOD and then increased if needed. This slows the conversion of test to estrogen, unlike nolva which only blocked it from attaching to certain receptors.
Keep in mind that aas will not get you ripped. Its going to come down to diet. Gear will help you look harder and if you control estrogen, you'll look dry. Another option would be to add in some oral winstrol for the last 6 wks at 50mg ED