With Sust, blood levels will be more stable with EOD injects, but you can do 2x wk, no problem. There are a couple reasons to start with 1 compound in your first cycle. A, you can only grow so much at once. If you have a headache and take 2 advil, and the headache goes away, taking 2 asprin isn't going to cure your headache any better. B, If you experience sides, and dont know how you respond to any of the drugs you're taking, you won't know which one is causing the problem. C, over time, you'll need more gear to evoke the same response, so it's a good idea to leave yourself as much room to increase as possible.
Still all that said, your doses are moderate and you should do well. If you keep estrogen under control, you'll be less likely to have issues with deca.So keep up on your AI and you'll be good. Remember that deca is harder to recover from. 19-Nors present this issue. So be sure to hit your PCT 3 wks after your last shot to ensure that everything is good post cycle