1, you want to use your HCG while on cycle, right up to a few days before PCT.
2. Yes sir, there is no need for more. You can use a low dose of arom to keep estrogen lower, 12.5mg EOD through PCT
3. Think you are misunderstanding how PCT works. Lets say your cycle is 12 wks and you use Test E. Test E is a longer ester and will take a couple weeks to clear your body after you stop using it. So after week 12, you no longer take shots of test. Then you wait for 2 wks, for your test levels to go down and after 2 wks, you begin your clomid. After that, you are done and ideally, you have begun recovering. Not only do you want to recover natural test levels, but you also want your cholesterol to return to normal, as well as any other labs that had gone out of wack. Once everything is back to normal, you're recovered and ready to go again if you want
4. The word "hooked" sounds like heroin haha. What usually happens is, you see such better gains that going natural just seems to be like moving in slow motion and progress seems to take way too long, compared to being on. What people get hooked on, is the fast results. Its like a whole new world of possibilities opens up. At least thats the way it seems. Eventually, if you want to keep making progress, its going to come down to improving other areas, like perfecting the diet and training.
5. Thats a big question. Hard to say, since everyone is different. Steroids tend to magnify your personality, for better and worse. For me, I am more intense, focused and driven on cycle and a little more laid back and relaxed off cycle. It is often said that an asshole on steroids is a bigger asshole. Think this is where "roid rage" comes from. Guys that have anger issues should probably stay off gear. Same with guys that have other emotional problems like bipolar
6. If the first few wks, you will gain several lbs. This is water, retained in the muscle cell and to an extent, under the skin (depending on diet). This weight will go away after you come off. Will you lose your muscle? There are a lot of facotrs. Diet is key. If you are on a great diet and stick with it after the cycle you are more likely to keep more of your gains. If you are skinny and untraining, but now working hard and eating right, you'll be able to keep a lot, but if you are already jacked and close to your genetic potential, it's going to be harder to hold your size.
Lot of questions here. I'm glad to respond. Hope my responses have helped a little.