bad sides with Hygetropin

  • Arthemis
    bad sides with Hygetropin
    on: 2013-10-21 16:52:31
    Hi! Thansk for all your replays! I ran hygetropin to the end of my cycle and for keep gains about 5 months. Well i had very good results, but i experienced strange sides: nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach problems...some weeks i feel very bad, only can stay in bed. Even hard to eat becasue or train with terrible nausea, and like anxiety adn panic...Well, i stop hgh and symphtoms Stop. I ran 3-4iu Ed hgh alone. My hyge it was real it authentic code on teh offical web. This issues are not always strong, sometimes i feel good, but suddenly again tired and very bad body and stomch issues, like a virus. I keep on i on refrigerator, not sahek to mix, and inject subcutaneus. What do you think? im afraid to run HGH again because of it.Thanks you very much
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: bad sides with Hygetropin
    on: 2013-10-24 23:56:50

    It sounds like many of these effects are related to low blood sugar. Hyge's are strong, IME, on par with pharm grade growth. You may need to time your GH up with food consumption. Hypoglycemia can hit hard and fast after a shot is taken and can last an extended period, depending on how much you took and what your diet looks like. I would start by backig the dose down and makig sure that you get a good carb rich meal in your body before you inject. i would see if you get this effect at just 1iu. If you start to feel dizzy, take in some simple carbs right away and see if that helps within a few min. as long as you respond ok at this small dose, I would go up by .5iu every few days, always making sure to eat enough first. when you get to 4iu, you might want to consider spliting your dose into 2 daily shots of 2iu each, taking first thing in the AM and then again about 6 hours later.