High bf%

  • anonymous082993
    High bf%
    on: 2015-06-05 10:22:57
    How do you feel about cycling at high bf%? I'm planning on cycling oral tren at 250mcg - 500mcg ed with 75mg of test e twice a week . I have liv52 and caber, the cycle is all in check. I've done cycles before but I let myself get up to around 25% bf, can I still run a cycle safetly?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: High bf%
    on: 2015-06-18 03:59:30

    Hey bro, good question. You have a lot of fat to lose. It's probably going to take longer than the length of 1 cycle to get to get into shape. Just remember that steroids aren't going to get you lean. Its going to be the diet. Having the right hormonal balance will help, but you still have to get the diet nail. Then cardio. Cardio will play a decent roll. Then after these things are in order, gear and fat burners would help. If you are new to gear, oral tren would be a little much. Its super harsh and you can only run it for a short time, like 3 wks. You can only make so much progress in 3 weeks, right? How about a secondary steroid like winny, that will dry you out. Also, I would use some clen. I've talked a lot about using it through the QA, so read up as much as you can. You can pick up various bits of info about it through the threads and posts. 


    And listen, if you want to hire me, I really enjoy helping guys make big transformations if they are up to the challenge. Check out the Next Level Nutrition page, here at Naps. 


    Test E 250mg EW

    adex .5mg EOD

    clen, starting at 40mcg then adding 20mcg every 2 wks


    Winstrol 40-60mg ED