heres the thing about orals. short term, the issues that can go along with them such as poor cholesterol, liver lesions, liver damage, ect, can be more easily avoided. long term, you're looking at problems. AAS is a life style for 99% of people who start using them. i've only met a couple of people who have stopped at one cycle, though i can't count the number of guys and gals who say they only plan to do it once. you can run this cycle and there is a really good chance that you won't have any issues, but long term, if you only run orals, you are not only going to dramatically limit your gains, it's going to more likely cause health problems. if you're going to commit to this lifestyle, i would suggest you take responsibility and do it the safest way possible. if you were to use an injectable test as your base, which i believe one should do with all cycles, you could use far less of any given oral and still get a very good effect from it. most guys i help start out with a low dose of test, around 250mg and up to 500mg EW for 10 wks. if they use dbol with that, its usually 25mg for 6 wks. IME, these guys will do much better on a 10 wk cycle like this, than having done 8 wks of dbol only at 50mg. IMO, dbol best used as a way to add water weight fast and get you anabolic while the test is kicking in. the side effects from dbol are high and the more you take, the worse they are. so just think about all of this. even if you choose to do this cycle, keep it in mind and if you want to continue using aas in the future, i would highly suggest you move to an injectable test.
for this cycle, i would just keep the dose split to about morning and evening, like 10-12 hrs apart. i would also start PCT the day after you come off. nolvadex 40mg wk one, 20 mg wk 2-3, 10mg wk 4. the liver protection may help, but it is not a guarantee. make sure you drink lots of water. at least a gallon a day. if you urine is dark, your not getting enough water. you want to make sure it stays clear at all times.