Test e, deca, dbol. Pct, during cycle therapy

  • anonymous611
    Test e, deca, dbol. Pct, during cycle therapy
    on: 2015-06-21 02:44:14
    I have been looking for dinner q&a for this abs haven't found anything clear about it. .I want to thank you for your help. I took a cycle about 2 or 3 years ago but didn't really get any real results. Iv been looking into company's and Geneva pharmaceutical is the one I think I'm going to go with. I just want step by step cycle help. Down to during cycle therapy and pct broke down in layman's terms like MLS taken and how many times a week please. So I want to take test e 500. 1ml 2x per week for 12 weeks. Not sure about how long I should do deca and dbol.but deca for 10 weeks at 250 or 200? 2x per week? And can I mix the deca and the test in the same tybe? And if so can I use the same needle to take from both vials?. And is 20 gauge draw to pull the liquid out and 23 gauge 1 inch needles good for injection?and I wanted to take dbol but not sure on the amount of grams I should take for this for 6 weeks everyday? And for e blocker how much armidex should I take and grams per day. Then for pct what do I take per day and how long after my cycle and last injection?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Test e, deca, dbol. Pct, during cycle therapy
    on: 2015-07-01 16:08:06

    Here is a step by step guide for injecting. It will answer your questions :



    And yes, Geneza is a good brand. Thats mainly what I use. Here is how I would lay out the cycle. This will give you an outline, but don't just take my word for it. These are very powerful hormones. My suggestion is that you spend a lot more time, here at the Q/A and read the responses to other questions and use the search function. Educate yourself. Understanding why the cycle is set up the way it is, will help you better understand how to deal with problems, if they come up. There is no real need for Deca. IMO, it will complicate the cycle and carry the possibility of added side effects. I am going to write the plan out with deca, but my suggestion would be to hold off on it, run the cycle as it is, without deca, then do the same cycle for the following run and that time, add the deca in. And yes, deca can be mixed with test and done in the same injection


    Test E 500mg, split into 2 weekly shots

    adex .5mg EOD


    Deca 300-400mg EW split into 2 weekly shots


    Dbol 30mg ED, split into 2-3 doses


    PCT starts 2 wks after last shot. 100mg clomid for 7 days. Then 50mg for 14 more days


    For guys that are interested in working together, my programs include week to week evaulation of diet and gear. Hit me up over at the Next Level Nutriton section of Naps!