Any tips or notes or suggestions for first cycle?

  • Rickster9513
    Any tips or notes or suggestions for first cycle?
    on: 2015-06-23 18:42:59
    Hello I have decided to run my first cycle and after research this is what I have come up with:Week 1-4 T-Bol at 40mg EDWeek 1-10Test E 350mg a weekweek 3-14Arimidex .5mg 3x a weekWeek 13-17 Nolvadex 20/20/10/10/10 mgI was recommended to also run clomid along with nolvadex not sure if that is needed or not?Any advice tips or notes of what I could or should do to make this a smooth successful cycle.Thank you!!
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Any tips or notes or suggestions for first cycle?
    on: 2015-07-01 21:19:44

    Lots of guys asking a similar question lately. As I've told the others, if you want to make a bigger impact on your recovery, adding in HCG through the cycle at 250iu 2x wk would make a much bigger difference than using 2 SERMs.