Maybe 30-40 years ago the answer would be different, but today, with the advances in science related to bodybuilding...all of the info we have about diet and training...all of the drugs we have available to average people...well, lets just say that there is far less limitations than there used to be. I would say that 30% or more of the guys I work with, here at Naps Gear, are over 40 years old. If you look at the latest addition of Project Get Shredded, here at Naps, you'll see John, that is 49 years old and got in good enough shape to compete in a Mens Physique show and David, who totally transformed his physiue and got into single digits, getting lean and vascular, seeing his abs for the first time at 60 years old!!! Both of these guys are going to continue to work now and focus on an off season cycle to grow more muscle. These gents are an outstanding testament, that hard work can produce some awesome gains, regardless of age, as long as the environment is right. Thats diet, training, and gear working together at it's finest :) I almost think that older guys work harder because they can hear the clock ticking. They know they don't have an entire life time to reach their goals, so if they are going to do it, now is the time!!! They're also often times, humble enough to how to be teachable. My hat goes off to David, John, and the guys out there just like them, grinding day in and day out.
There are going to be some differences. There are areas in your program that will probably differ from the young bucks. Joints and connective tissues are ususally weaker and more worn as we age, espeically for a powerlifter that has been using and possibly abusing heavy weights in the gym. The averege 22 year old's body is going to be a lot more forgiving, if they do something stupid in the gym. It may mean a week or two off of deadlifts. For the older guy, it might mean 1 month or more. So I can't stress this enough. Lift smart! If you love something, you learn how to keep it in your life and for older guys, that means being very safe. Taking time to always warm up. That might mean 30 minutes before you are actually doing working sets, depending on the person! You'll always be looking for ways to train smarter. Same SHOULD go for the younger guys too. All you young guys out there reading this, play it safe. Setting a PR looks cool to a handful of people in the gym, ON THAT DAY, but you have to drag that same body around with you, for the other 23 hours of the day, and if you abuse your joints, you'll be forced to pay for it at some point. Always play it safe. I stand there curling 25 lb DBs, while some kid 75 lbs less than me is heaving the 50's. Whats up with that??! haha
Anyway, thats my soap box for the day. Lets get down to business. So far, it sounds like you have made some great progress on your prop cycle. I would never advise that someone enters into a life long program of trt unless needed, but at your age, there is a chance your body doesn't produce the same amount of test as you did when you were young. If you were on a HRT dose of test, along with the right training and diet, I don't think you would lose much of your muscle gain at all. It will vary though. With or without drugs, diet is going to be key. When you are off cycle, you are going to need to maintain enough protein to support the new muscle, otherwise it will slowly go away. If you do come off everything, I would do an aggressive recovery PCT. At your age, it can be harder to recover from a cycle. I'd run a good blast of HCG for the last several wks, at the least, maybe 500-1000iu, every 3 days. Then do a PCT with clomid once you come off.
For the test e cycle you proposed, if you want to make some solid gains, instead of drol, I'd suggest something that you can run longer term, that will help to keep you more anabolic through the cycle, something like EQ. You can still use your proviron, if you like. Maybe 12-16 wks on test e 500mg, EQ, 400-500mg, adex as needed, and the prov, if you'd like. If you wanted to add the drol in, you could use it for the first 3-4 wk, no problem, around 50mg
When you are ready for your cut, come back here, as I would be happy to give you more advice on a good cutting plan!