You'll want to get baseline on your liver, kidneys, cholesterol and test. If you can, get your free and total test. When I do my next set of labs, mid cycle, it would depend on how long the cycle is and if I'm planning to add anything to the plan. Say for instance I'm cutting for a contest and after 8 wks, I want to add winstrol, I would do my next labs before I added the oral. At that time, I would also do a female hormone panel plus red blood, like hemoglobin and hematocrit. Or if I were bulking and running EQ, I'd want to check that hemoglobin and hematocrit after about 8 or so weeks, just to make sure that my blood isn't getting too thick. If it does, I use therapeutic phlebotomy to bring me back to normal right away.
If I'm using a moderate cycle with low to no orals and keeping thw whole cycle to 12 wks, I would probably not do labs on the cycle unless I feel like something is off, or if I'm not sure how my estrogen is looking. In that case, I would do labs before and then 6-8 wks after to make sure everything is good.