Hey brother, if you add more test, be aware that you may need more estrogen control. You had not mentioned an AI with your HRT, but I would consdier one, especially if you are going to 2cc. Estrogen makes it harder to lose fat. You could add some tren in sure. It's going to make you look harder, no question. I would start at 50mg EOD to see how you react, and after several wks, consider upping it to 75mg or 100mg EOD. But I can tell you, something is off with the diet. In 8 months, an average guy could be in contest shape, given the right plan. In fact, it could be done in less time. More anabolics may help to increase the hardness of your muscle, but in order to get the fat off, you have to get the diet nailed and do cardio. Not sure how much cardio you do, or what your diet looks like, but to give you a general idea, think about lowering your carbs for starters. Keep to protein high and fats moderate, while you play with the carbs and watch how your body responds. I can't give you an exact number to shoot for without seeing your diet and your progress pics, but this is generally, the first thing I would do with a client. Then from there, I would look at cardio. You don't want to do a ton of cardio to make up for a flawed diet plan, but you do want to use cardio to push your fat loss that much further.
As for supps that would help you toward your goal, take a look at Geneza Clen. This will help to speed your fat loss, if your diet and cardio are already in order. I would start clen at 40mcg and add 20 mcg every 2 wks, going no higher than 120 mcg and running it for no longer than 12-16 wks total time on clen.
If you or anyone else is interested in hiring me to work one on one, please contact me, here at Naps, through the Next Level Nutrition page. If you want to do this one on your own, feel free to come back to the QA and ask questions along the way. I'm here to help and can point you in the right direction with any specific questions you may have
EDIT : Also, just a note about age. I've worked with many guys your age that use tren. Just remember to start low like I said and if you are prone to high BP, watch out, as tren can make BP worse. As long as you are healthy, age shouldn't stop you from using tren, nor should it stop you from getting ripped!