Female Cycle

  • Tiffany
    Female Cycle
    on: 2015-07-28 08:24:16
    Hey, I am 5'8, 125lbs and in good shape. I do want to take it a notch up and get in bikini-competition shape. I want to add just a little muscular mass all over, and lose any fat I have. I don't mind taking test if I need to. I have kind of heard of clen, or Var? I have never cycled before. What would you suggest for a cycle to achieve this goal? And am I correct in thinking I wouldnt need any anastrozole or pct? Thank you very much.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Female Cycle
    on: 2015-08-11 20:10:00

    For your goals, you will never need to take test. Test would be the LAST thing I would ever suggest. Some of the really big gals take it, but we are taking female bodybuilders that have accepted the side effects that will go along with strong androgens, such as deep voice, facial hair and body hair, enlarged clit, ect ect. For your needs, you would do great with anavar. I would suggest taking it in cycle of 6-8 wks. I would start with 5mg a day and see how you do. You could probably do your first cycle at this dose. If you want to increase, the max outside range I would suggest would be 20mg, 10mg being an average dose for girls. You do not need to do a PCT. Just take time off betweeen cycles to allow your cholesterol and liver values to return to normal. 

    Clen would be a good addition to your cycle for fat burning. I would suggest starting it at 20mcg, then increasing by 20mcg every 2 wks, going no higher than 100mcg. 

    Toward the end of your diet, if you want to increase hardness, you could use Nolvadex. I would use it for no longer than 8 wks total, starting at 10mg and possibly going as high as 20mg. Combined with var, you would be more likely to have side effects, so just pay attention to your body and be ready to stop the drugs asap if something comes up