HGH usage

  • anonymous884
    HGH usage
    on: 2015-08-03 16:24:29
    I am thinking of using HGH in the future. Not to get big with but as a fountain of youth. So many different names but somatotropin was the original right? If used year round what would be the correct dosing? While on an anabolic cycle would it change? I am 37 now and want to figure it all out before I start in a couple of years. As a side question I am on my second tren cycle. I screwed up last time. I had gyno symptoms at week 4-5 and compounded the issue by using nolvadex. After learning the hard way I stopped my cycle short. This time I'm taking 200mg/wk test E and 250/wk tren hoping to not have an issue. I ran hcg throughout last time and I believe it to be the main issue. Both times I've used hcg during or after it has had a negative effect on me. I don't like it and I feel like it raises my estrogen and causes emotional problems.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: HGH usage
    on: 2015-08-12 12:42:57

    Hey brother, 


    Ok for growth hormone therapy, you don't need a ton. I seem to find that the older a person is, the more likely they are to respond to lower doses of GH. I would aim for about 2iu of a high quality GH, maybe even a little less of you are using pharm grade, like 1.5-1.8iu. See how that works for you. You can always go in and have growth hormone and IGF test, if you are interested in seeing where your numbers sit. At this dose, taken your round, for a guy over 35, I would expect to see some benefits, including a little added muscle gain in the long haul and an ability to eat more without getting fat. Of course, you will see improved overall health and recovery. First place I notice it is in my skin, air and finger nails


    On your other question, having some caber on and would be a smart idea and if you need it, .5mg 2x wk should be good. I would certainly start with an AI though. Adex at around .5mg EOD will be plenty to start out with. If you control estrogen, proges will less likely become a problem. And the adex would also help with estrogen spikes from the HCG as well. With HCG maybe a lower dose, more often would make a difference