Looking for a new cycle

    Looking for a new cycle
    on: 2015-08-08 05:21:25
    Finished cycling the 12 week lean bulking blitz consisting of Items Included: 4 x GP Sust 270, 4 x GP Tren Enanth 200, 3 x GP Oxan, 2 x GP Stan10, 2 x GP Clomiphene.Cycle Length: 12 weeks in Feb 2015.. Looking for another cycle to start soon.My stats: 45yrs old, 200 6'0 12% BF Still looking to bulk for mass but still keep BF down. Any Suggestions ?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Looking for a new cycle
    on: 2015-08-13 04:16:09

    Ok brother, well remember that to reach your goals, no matter what gear you use, the diet is going to make or break you, as far as how lean you stay. Its a balancing act brother. Getting enoug protein, carbs and fats in to be above what it would take to maintain, while not going so crazy that you get fat at the same time

    So about that cycle, that was one hell of a cycle, looking at the doses on the web site. Earler today, I suggest this cycle for lean mass gains. It's my favorite cycle for mass, so I'm going to share it with you too. Keep in mind that everyone finds their own compounds and doses that work best for them. So this cycle is what works best for me, but I have also seen it work well for others. I'm going to write the doses compared to what you used last time.



    Sust 270 EOD

    adex .5mg EOD

    EQ 500mg EW

    1-8 (or 10)

    NPP 100mg EOD


    Dbol 30-40mg


    Of course you'll want to do a solid PctI would start it 3 wks after your last sot of rear