There are a lot of places to get raw hormone. I personally don't know of any off hand, but I have seen them in my travels around the net. The thing is, I'm personally not interested. I'm pretty much the same as you, as end user. I don't know about you, but I don't have the abilty to test raw powders and see what I'm actually getting. So for me, I would much rather go through Naps and get a high quality finished product, made by a company like Geneza, that I'm certain, has much better connections to a raw source, than I ever could haha. To me, thats worth it and I have always been happy with my gear and results.
Plus, I don't want to get messed up with home brewing. Depending on where you live, gear may be legal and if so, good. But making it is probably not legal where you live. There is a big difference between making gear and owning some for personal use. So whatever you do, keep yourself safe. If it isn't legal to make gear where you live, I would suggest not doing it!